As we come to the end of our Scripture Plan, Redeemed: 30 Days with the Israelite Slaves, we see the Israelites setting out from Mount Sinai towards the Promised Land. They have been set free from the Egyptians and now they need to learn what it means to choose to follow God instead. From the verses we read in Exodus 19-39 we can learn a few lessons about how to follow God.

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Redeemed: 30 Days with the Israelite Slaves

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    How to follow God

    know and worship God

    In Exodus 33:12-13 Moses is prepared to leave Mount Sinai and follow God to the Promised Land. Before he does, though, he wants to really know who it is that he is following and asks to sees God’s glory and to be taught his ways.

    So, God reveals his character to him. Here is what we learn about God, from God himself, in Exodus 33:14. 19-20 and 34:5-7:

    • His presence will go with Moses
    • He gives rest
    • He knows us by name
    • He is good
    • He is gracious
    • He is compassionate
    • He is holy (his face cannot be seen)
    • He is slow to anger
    • He is abounding in love and truth
    • He is faithful
    • He forgives our sins
    • He punishes the guilty

    We, too, must know God if we are to follow him. We can know him through reading his word in the Bible, prayer and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

    Just like Moses, our response to knowing God should be to bow down and worship him.

    Be obedient to God’s commands

    God has set the Israelites free from slavery and now gives them the choice to follow his commands. It is up to them whether they are going to be obedient or not. They are responsible for their own decisions. And the same is true for us.

    God has given his people rules to follow (the Ten Commandments and other rules for living and for keeping the Sabbath) and then he describes the blessings they will receive for obeying these commands (see Leviticus 26:3-13). God then also explains what will happen if the people are disobedient.

    In order to follow God we must choose to obey his commands too.

    wait patiently on God

    As the Israelites set out towards the Promised Land they are led by a cloud.

    Whenever the cloud was lifted up above the tent, the Israelites would set out; at the place where the cloud stopped, there the Israelites camped. At the Lord’s command the Israelites set out, and at the Lord’s command they camped. As long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they camped. Numbers 9:17-19 CSB

    God may also want us to ‘camp’ for a while and wait on him. When he does we need to be patient and wait for His timing.

    give from a willing heart

    The Tabernacle is of central importance to the Israelites. It is where God dwells. When Moses instructed the people that they were to give offerings towards the building of the tabernacle they did so willingly. Some were able to give gold, and others gave goat hair, but they all gave from what they had and all that was given was important.

    Some were also anointed with special gifts and skills for building the tabernacle, as it had to be built to God’s specific requirements. (Exodus 35:30-35)

    When we follow God we should also give what we have (possessions or talents) with a willing heart.

    remain in God’s presence

    We finished our Scripture Plan in Numbers 10, with the Israelites following God towards the Promised Land. They move when the cloud moves above the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant goes before them.

    For the Israelites, the tabernacle was the place where God dwelt. For us as Christians, God’s Holy Spirit dwells within us. If we are to know how to follow God we must allow God to dwell in us.

    Get the Bible Study Guide and Workbook

    If you have not already purchased your copy of the Bible Study Guide and Workbook to go with the Redeemed: 30 Days with the Israelite Slaves Scripture Plan it’s not too late! The workbook is undated and can be started at any time. Here you will find a page for each day of the study. The daily worksheets use my 5L Bible Study Method: Letter, Look, Learn, Live, Love which encourages and guides us to look deeper into the text we are reading.

    You can also find the other posts about this Scripture Plan here:
    Introduction: Redemption Bible Study
    Week 1: The Redemption of Moses
    Week 2: Things get worse before they get better
    Week 3: 5 Things that happen after God sets you free

    Redeemed workbook image
    How to Follow God: Lessons from Moses